Mom Wants To Leave The Hospital NOW: Navigating Care When Emotions Run High

Understanding and navigating the emotions involved when a loved one wants to leave the hospital prematurely can be tough. This advice can help.
mom wants to leave the hospital

The first time I walked into my mother’s hospital room after her surgery, she greeted me with those familiar fierce eyes of hers and whispered, “I want to go home, Sandra. I want to go home right now.” The sun was setting outside, casting a warm glow that seemed to juxtapose the cold, clinical feel of the room. Her hand reached out for mine, holding on with a strength that defied her frailty. As I sat next to her, listening to her reasons and feeling the weight of my own emotions, I realized that this journey was about much more than just her medical needs. It was about understanding, empathy, and, above all, love.

In moments of medical crises or prolonged hospital stays, emotions are often as palpable as the antiseptic smell that fills the air. The sterile environment, unfamiliar faces, and the blips of machines can create a profound sense of anxiety and unease for patients. And if it’s your own mother, who, despite her age or ailment, insists on returning home, the situation becomes even more delicate. It’s a blend of understanding the genuine medical needs and the profound emotional whirlwind that they’re experiencing. This article aims to shed light on managing this journey: understanding and navigating the emotions involved when a loved one wants to leave the hospital prematurely.

Understanding the Emotions

woman dealing with emotions while in hospital

For my mother, as for many, the hospital, despite its mission of healing, felt alien. The feelings ranged from:

  • Fear: The sheer unfamiliarity of the surroundings, the uncertainty of medical procedures, or worries about the outcomes can trigger deep-seated fears. For the older generation, a hospital might also symbolize frailty or the nearing of life’s end.
  • Discomfort: The hospital bed, the gowns, the absence of her cherished morning rituals — like reading the paper with a cup of coffee in her favorite chair — led to significant discomfort.
  • Loss of Control: Having lived independently, the sudden transition to a world dictated by someone else’s schedule and decisions represented a profound loss of control.

As I grappled with my mother’s feelings, I also had to acknowledge my own:

  • Concern and Anxiety: Watching her in that bed, every beep of a machine or sigh she let out heightened my anxiety.
  • Helplessness: Her unhappiness was palpable, yet the understanding that she medically needed to be there deepened the sense of helplessness.
  • Frustration: Why couldn’t she see the bigger picture? Yet, every time I felt this, I remembered that little room with the setting sun, and her whispered plea, grounding me in empathy.

Navigating these emotions is the first step. By understanding and acknowledging them, we pave the path for better communication, mediation, and, ultimately, a decision that aligns with both the emotional and medical well-being of our loved ones.

Reasons Why Patients May Want to Leave

As the days passed, and as I shared more coffee mornings and whispered conversations with my mom, I began to truly grasp the myriad reasons she wanted to be anywhere but in that hospital room. It wasn’t just a simple, stubborn proclamation; each reason was rooted in very genuine concerns and emotions.

woman staring out window in hospital bed

The Confines of the Hospital Room: On the third day, as we both silently looked out of the window, my mother spoke of the roses in our backyard. “They must be blooming now,” she said wistfully, “they should be trimmed.” For her, and for many like her, the hospital room felt claustrophobic, missing the simple joys and the freedom of home.

Medications and Their Effects: I noticed that after certain medications, my mom would become more restless, sometimes even disoriented. A nurse explained that some drugs could cause confusion or altered moods, especially in older patients. What felt like obstinance was sometimes just a side effect.

Worries About Finances: One evening, in a hushed tone, mom expressed her concerns about the growing hospital bills. For someone who had always managed household finances meticulously, this stay was another burden on her mind and navigating Medicare is easier said than done.

A Desire to Feel Normal: “I just want to sleep in my bed, even if it’s for a night,” she once confessed. This wasn’t about comfort; it was about normalcy. A break from the beeping machines, the hourly check-ins, and the clinical environment.

The Perception of Recovery: And then there were days she felt genuinely better, questioning the need to be confined to the room. “I’m alright, see?” she’d say, moving her arm or smiling. But while she might have felt alright, her medical charts and doctors advised otherwise.

Understanding these reasons wasn’t about solving them immediately or even justifying them. It was about empathy. About standing in her hospital slippers and seeing the world from behind her tired eyes. And while I had my reasons for wanting her to stay, ensuring her best care, acknowledging her feelings was the first step to finding middle ground.

Effective Communication: Bridging Hearts and Minds

The hum of the hospital was our constant companion, its rhythm broken only by our conversations. But as the days progressed, I realized that our most impactful conversations weren’t necessarily the longest ones, but the ones where we truly listened to each other. Here’s what I gleaned about effective communication during those intense days:

conversing with mom in hospital bed

Active Listening: One afternoon, as mom spoke about her younger days and how she never imagined being so confined, I found myself initially preparing to counter her with the medical rationale. But I stopped and simply listened. Sometimes, what our loved ones need isn’t an immediate solution or rebuttal, but just an ear that listens and a heart that understands. It’s called active listening.

Calm and Gentle Conversations: There are moments of frustration, undoubtedly. But I remembered the nurses’ gentle tones and tried to emulate that. A calm demeanor often opens doors that stern words cannot. Even in our disagreements, a gentle approach often diffused the tension.

Pointed Questions: Instead of just asking, “How are you feeling today?”, I began to phrase it as, “Can you tell me more about how you’re feeling today?” This allowed her to express more, providing me insights into her state of mind and heart.

Acknowledging Her Feelings: One day, when she voiced her desire to go home again, instead of jumping into reasons why she couldn’t, I started with, “I understand why you feel that way. I’d love for you to go home as well.” That simple acknowledgment became a bridge, making subsequent conversations easier.

Involving Her in Decisions: It was a small thing, but I began discussing the day’s schedule with her – which doctor might visit, what tests were planned, or even what meals she’d prefer. By involving her, the hospital stay became a shared journey rather than something happening to her.

Effective communication became our balm during those challenging times. It wasn’t just about making her understand my perspective, but understanding hers. It was a dance of empathy and clarity, where sometimes the steps went awry, but the intent was always love.

Seeking Mediation: Turning to Hospital Resources

As days melded into nights, I came to realize a valuable lesson: while the hospital corridors echoed with the sounds of medical machinery, they also resonated with the collective wisdom and experience of countless medical professionals.

nurse holding hands with woman at hospital

Leveraging Hospital Staff: One particularly challenging afternoon, a kind nurse named Clara noticed our animated discussion. She softly intervened, offering a perspective we hadn’t considered. The staff isn’t just there for medical care; they have seen many families navigate similar waters and can offer insights or even just a comforting word.

Patient Advocates: Most hospitals have patient advocates or similar roles. They act as a bridge between patients and the medical team. When mom and I hit an impasse, reaching out to the patient advocate provided a neutral perspective, helping both of us see the bigger picture.

Counseling and Support Groups: Clara introduced us to a support group that met in the hospital. Hearing stories from others, sharing our own, and realizing that we weren’t alone in this journey was therapeutic in ways we hadn’t imagined.

Remember, the hospital is more than just a place of healing for the body; it offers resources for the soul and mind as well. In moments of uncertainty, don’t hesitate to reach out. You’d be surprised at the reservoirs of support that are available, often just a conversation away.

Alternative Solutions: Exploring Every Avenue

In the plethora of discussions, moments of silence, and heated debates, mom and I often found ourselves searching for alternatives to her prolonged hospital stay. It became clear that while her feelings were valid, so were the medical concerns. In this quest, we stumbled upon several alternative avenues:

nurse caring for a woman at home

Home Healthcare: We explored the possibility of transitioning my mother to home care. This involved hiring trained medical professionals to assist with her needs in the comfort of our home. While it wasn’t a complete substitute for hospital care, it offered a mix of familiarity and medical attention.

Outpatient Treatment: After discussing with her primary doctor, we looked into treatments that could be done on an outpatient basis. This meant mom could spend more time at home but visit the hospital for essential treatments.

Rehabilitation Centers: These facilities, designed to aid in recovery, often offer a more home-like environment. They provide necessary medical care but also emphasize physical and occupational therapy, which mom found more engaging and less restrictive.

Palliative Care: For some patients, comfort becomes the primary goal, especially in chronic or terminal conditions. Palliative care focuses on symptom management and quality of life, and can often be administered at home or in specialized facilities.

Through research, discussions, and consultations, we learned that the path to healing isn’t always linear or confined within the walls of a hospital. There are alternative solutions that consider both the emotional well-being and the medical needs of a patient.


Our journey through those hospital corridors, filled with the aroma of antiseptics and the faint melodies of life, was more than just a quest for recovery. It was a lesson in love, understanding, and exploration.

Whether it’s a whisper of “I want to go home”, the silent gaze out of a window, or a demanding command to “get me out of here!”, every emotion signals a need. A need for comfort, familiarity, and normalcy. In our pursuit of the best for our loved ones, it’s vital to remember that sometimes, the best solutions are found when we listen with our hearts and explore with open minds.

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