The Top 5 Medical Alert Systems with Fall Detection

Falling is more than just scary for an older adult. Choosing the best medical alert systems with fall detection can be a life or death decision.
medical alert systems with fall alerts

Millions of American seniors suffer from falls every year. You may be surprised to know that falls are the main cause of injury and death in Americans over the age of 65 and this is why there are so many medical alert systems with fall detection available on the marketplace today.

Even if the fall does not result in injury, the impact of a fall can leave an elderly person feeling shaken and vulnerable. An accidental fall or even the fear of falling greatly reduces an older adults quality of life and often precipitates a decline that may lead to full-time care.

What’s more, falls are only one of the many ways in which seniors become incapacitated. A stroke, heart attack, or some other medical emergency could also leave an older adult hurt or wandering around unaware of what is happening to him or her until it is too late.

Beyond working on improving their balance and some simple home modifications, installing a medical alert system with fall detection in your loved one’s home can give them a stronger sense of security and can give you peace of mind about senior safety. Here’s a rundown on the top ten medical alert systems with fall detection.

Home Guardian Medical Alert Systems with Fall Detection  

medical guardian makes a good medical alert system with fall detection

Home Guardian Medical Alert System comes in three versions, Mini Guardian, Mobile Guardian, and Home Guardian to suit your senior lifestyle. The Fall Detection button can be used to notify the monitoring station when a user has fallen and needs assistance. The mobile alert system also works outdoors because of a built-in one-mile range, which makes it ideal for those who live alone or who have out-of-home activities like a trip to the park or church. 

The Fall Detection feature works by using an AC powered sensor that is worn by the user. If the user has a fall and hits the sensor, the feature will notify the monitoring station. The Fall Detection button also includes an Alert Only function which lets seniors call for help out of concern instead of necessity.

Bay Alarm Medical 

bay alarm medical alert system with fall protection

Like Guardian, Bay Alarm Medical offers home and mobile versions. Users wear a comfortable wrist band, if they have a fall or other emergency, they just press the button on the wristband and an alert message is sent to a trained live operator who will speak to the user over the console and ensure they receive the care they need. Operators are available 24/7. Depending on your preset requests or the state of the emergency, the operators will contact neighbors, family members, or the emergency services.

This medical system is easy to set up, its plug and play installation requires no tools. For an extra fee, you can add an “on the go button” so that your loved one can remain protected while out and about. This enables operators to dispatch EMS to the user in case of emergency.


lively medical alert system with fall support

Lively Mobile+ and Lively Wearable2 are two of the most affordable medical systems. Both devices connect the user with the Lively™ Response Team health and safety services, which operate 24/7. The combination of features provides support wherever seniors wander. Whether your loved one has a minor or major emergency, it only takes one touch of a button on Lively Mobile Plus to connect them to an operator who will get help immediately, The system offers two-way communication, so users can speak directly to medical personnel.

Lively is perfect if you’re looking for a discrete mobile solution. It has a sleek design so no one can tell it is a medical alert device.  


lifestation medical alert system with fall support


The LifeStation medical alert system is perfect for elderly Americans who are living alone. It has a fall detection system and provides medical monitoring 24/7. For a very affordable price, elderly people and their caregivers can have complete peace of mind. LifeStation offers a choice of subscription packages including:

  • In-Home Tradition: this is a great option for seniors who want an efficient system that works through their home telephone while at home.

  • Mobile with GPS: this option provides assistance via their mobile while they’re on the move. This system also has fall detection.

Other features include two-way talk, location detection, voice prompts, optional integration with Alexa, and 5-day battery life. The LifeStation system offers quick response times and guarantees a reliable connection. 

WellBe-HandsFree Health

well be medical alert watch with fall support

WellBe® is a cutting-edge voice-enabled medical alert system and virtual health system that can benefit seniors, family members, and caregivers. Using the WellBe® mobile app, you can access the system from anywhere. If users wish to know more about certain health conditions, all they have to do is ask.

Not only will WellBe® provide you with health information, but it will also assist you with health benefits information, medications reminders, and health news. The platform is fully HIPAA compliant, and the extensive health database was curated by healthcare professionals, to provide trustworthy answers to all your health questions. 

If you’re concerned about an elderly friend or family member, and you want to decrease their risk of becoming seriously injured after a fall, a medical alert system with fall detectors can help put everyone’s mind at ease. And should your loved one have a fall, the alert syst4em will ensure that they get the emergency help they need as fast as possible. 


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2 thoughts on “The Top 5 Medical Alert Systems with Fall Detection

  1. A device that is self activated by a fall is essential. If the wearer has to activate after falling it isn’t likely to happen. I have 25yrs of in-home caregiving. When falls happen people are in pain, confused,scared,and often don’t remember to push button. These systems when used do get help faster and have saved lives.

  2. Be sure to get one that will activate itself if a fall is happening. If it has to be banged,bumped or hand pressed this will delay action. I like the one that a commenter said activated when client bends over. If fall risk isn’t an issue the others are good too. If gives a sense of security to an elder and their family. Check with your local hospitals. Many operate their own systems right out of the hospital.

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